• ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. This website is provided by the Law Office of Christopher K. Johnston, LLC dba Johnston Law Group, a law firm focused on providing legal services to people injured by negligent pharmaceutical and medical device companies. Nothing on this website should be taken as legal or medical advice for any individual or situation. Licensed healthcare professionals should be relied on for all medical medical treatment decisions, including whether to continue or discontinue use of a drug or medical device discussed on this website. This website is not intended to create, and receipt of viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship does not exist until a legal retainer agreement is signed by all parties. Confidential information should not be submitted through this website as it may be considered confidential or privileged. References to prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. The Johnston Law Group has attorneys licensed to practice law in California and Puerto Rico, but the attorneys may also be admitted on an individual basis in additional state and federal courts across the United States. The location of the firm’s offices are listed on masstortfirm.com. The firm associates with co-counsel law firms to jointly represent clients in some matters. Christopher K. Johnston is the attorney responsible for the contents of this website.